Klar / Credit eligibility

Klar / Credit eligibility

Klar / Credit eligibility

How might we help users qualify for a credit?

How might we help users qualify for a credit?

How might we help users qualify for a credit?

Problem statement

Low conversion rate from Sign-ups to attempt to unlock the use of a credit product.

The app had a credit product section that worked as a storefront. Users could see a display of different loans and ways to borrow money. However, users had to try to activate the product to discover what they could do to get it. Only highly invested users would go through this process. This indicates a significant level of difficulty for conversion.


Make a prompt to qualify for credit evident in the page. List the top actions to qualify for credit #clarity #transparency. This will increase the ability to qualify, reducing the amount of work to figure it put. Making the prompt exciting explaining this is what they are looking for (access to credit)



Fan readers want to be closer to their hero authors

Jobs to be done

Jobs to be done

Connecting Acclaimed authors with readers

Key problems in the market

  • Inconsistency quality of publications

  • Unfinished ‘’dropped’’ novels

  • It takes long for readers to find something they truly like.

Tactic: Learning from other platforms

Platform concept

Platform concept

Individuals have the chance to participate in live sessions with the author where they can learn about the author's plans for the story. Users with different subscription levels have the opportunity to share their thoughts and contribute to the conversation. This allows writers to receive immediate feedback from engaged users, while users feel they are making a valuable contribution to the story.

App core userflow wireframes

© 2023 Miguel Lobato.

© 2023 Miguel Lobato.

© 2023 Miguel Lobato.