Novelly / A concept

Novelly / A concept

Novelly / A concept

A new exciting way of reading novels.

A new exciting way of reading novels.

A new exciting way of reading novels.

Novely unique selling proposition

Novely is a Webnovel platform that connects acclaimed novel authors with their audience.

Authors will connect with their audience throught their writing process, learning about what makes them tick to create novels they’ll enjoy.

Fans will engage with their favorite authors and become part of the process by sharing their thoughts and joining their live sessions.

Novely principles


Ensuring good quality novels by working with the best authors.


Enabeling subsribers to react and comment to the novels ‘’in real time’’


Subscribers that actively engaged will have their name in the publication as co- producers enabeling to become part of it.



Fan readers want to be closer to their hero authors

Jobs to be done

Jobs to be done

Connecting Acclaimed authors with readers

Key problems in the market

  • Inconsistency quality of publications

  • Unfinished ‘’dropped’’ novels

  • It takes long for readers to find something they truly like.

Tactic: Learning from other platforms

Platform concept

Platform concept

Individuals have the chance to participate in live sessions with the author where they can learn about the author's plans for the story. Users with different subscription levels have the opportunity to share their thoughts and contribute to the conversation. This allows writers to receive immediate feedback from engaged users, while users feel they are making a valuable contribution to the story.

App core userflow wireframes

© 2023 Miguel Lobato.

© 2023 Miguel Lobato.

© 2023 Miguel Lobato.