Galatea / Pay wall case study

Galatea / Pay wall case study

Galatea / Pay wall case study

Galatea paywall re design

Galatea paywall re design

Galatea paywall re design

Current state

Current state

  • A paywall that shows options to continue reading after x pages. Unlimited subscription or point base purchase.

  • List of things the unlimited subscription has to offer.

  • Pricing and comparison to monthly cost.

Jobs to be done and User questions

Jobs to be done and User questions

The user wants to read their favorite fantasy books without interruptions.

  • Is it worth the money?

  • How many books can I read to make the subscription worth it?

  • How many points does a chapter cost?

  • Am I invested enough to commit to a year subscription?

Proposed design

Proposed design

  • Make the content more likely to be read.

  • User benefit-oriented copy

  • Shown users how much waiting time they’d have saved.

  • Breaking down points to chapter price

  • Comparing yearly subscriptions to the alternative (buying books) to show the benefit.

  • Showing there is a like-minded community that pay for the product.

Pros of approach

Pros of approach

  • Benefits: It’s easier to relate and understand something when it appeals to you.

  • Anchoring: Comparisons are another great way to ensure people have the right frame of reference.

  • Breaking patterns we learn to avoid, like long lists.

  • Cognitive Load: Reducing the metal math required to find the relevant information. And reducing options.

  • Social Proof: Showing what others did in the same situation is reassuring for users.

Design process


Identifying things that we automatically block. Usually anything that’s high effort, it’s unrelated or redundant.


My approach involves guiding people to quickly construct meaning by simplifying principles and communicating the cost per chapter for better understanding. Additionally, I emphasize the benefits of subscribing.


I used strategies to reduce friction when making choices:

1. Consider implementing Hick's law, which removes options to simplify decision-making.

2. Utilize social proof by sharing how many users have made the same choice, which can help increase confidence in the decision.


My aim is to assist people in preserving positive psychology. Providing clear feedback and reassurance to make users feel secure and confident is my top priority. My goal is to establish trust and empathy, and I always strive to offer pleasant surprises whenever feasible, leaving a positive and long-lasting impression.

© 2023 Miguel Lobato.

© 2023 Miguel Lobato.

© 2023 Miguel Lobato.